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Aged or
Palliative Care

Aged Care and Palliative support are two of the most sensitive and high-need areas in healthcare. At Novel Health Co, we believe these areas can benefit greatly from a fresh approach to treatment and care options.

In fact, you and your family may have already looked into more effective approaches to managing symptoms and specific issues relating to palliative care and ageing. And that’s where we come in.

Well-versed in caring for patients across this community, Novel Health specialists will consider the appropriate introduction of novel treatment options as part of a treatment plan to help improve symptom relief and quality of life.

This program recognises the subtleties of providing the right forms of medication and working together with your current care team, specialists, GP, nurses and care home staff to provide the best possible treatment plans that offer:

  • Access to traditional and novel therapies
  • Timely, high-quality, specialist care
  • Medications and methods of delivery suitable for a patient’s unique situation
  • Affordable Telehealth or in-person consultations
  • Work with your current care team
  • Prescriptions delivered to your door

Finding the right balance of care and treatment options can be hard. To find out if your individual health needs could benefit from novel therapies, contact us today. We’d love to help guide you.

…because it matters how you feel.

Start your program today

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